Sunday, January 8, 2012

Mind Your Business

Be mindful of your business. Make sure that you spend your time taking care of the things that are essential to your success. At one time or another every single one of us is guilty of getting caught up in things that don't have a positive influence on our goals. So be mindful of your business, concentrate your efforts on things that will make you a better CrossFitter (spouse, father, mother, friend, co-worker, etc.)

I got to be a part of one of those truly memorable sessions at the box when new talents are discovered and Puerto Ricos are set. Congratulations Kody on locking in those Jerks and thanks for cheering me through Puerto Ricos on my squat clean #240 and front squat #320. Truly one hell of a night.
Wod for 1/9/12
12 min amrap of....
12 backsquat #135/95
12 pullups
12 zurcher lunge #135/95
12 box jumps
Secret second wod

Friday, January 6, 2012

WOD club Open wod #1

Today we will be hitting the WOD club Open wod #1 Cindy was a nice girl.
10 min amrap of...
50 kb #53/35swings then...
5 C2B pullups/10 Hand Release Pushups/15 Front Squats #115/95

This should be a pretty good test of where we stand for the CrossFit Games Open. The more experienced we get with competing the better we will be!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Workouts + Rest = Training. Do not undervalue the importance of a rest day. Workouts break down muscle. Rest lets your muscles recover and get stronger. We need a good rest day because Friday is going to be intense. Roll Roll Roll your ass. Take care of sore spots and stretch out that tension!

No one is naturally great at any sport or activity. Some are more coordinated, some are blessed with stature and some with strength. However, to be great it takes work... A LOT of WORK. " Ability is what you're capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it". -Lou Holtz
Work hard with a great attitude and see what happens.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


The power of going unbroken. Having the ability to go unbroken in a wod or in life can make a giant difference. When the chips are down in the middle of a wod being able to pick up the barbell and finish out a set unbroken can be almost life changing. Likewise, when life is kicking your ass, having the power to know you can fight back and bang out lifes "reps" without stopping WILL be life changing. So grab the bar and hang on like your life depends on it, because someday it just might.

18 min amrap of...
30 wall balls
15 T2B
5 burpee penalty for breaking up sets (anytime you drop the ball or come off of the bar do 5 burpees)

Monday, January 2, 2012

Tuesday Fun

Here is a quick video from Fitness Elevated. You can see the junk in my trunk getting stuck in the hurdle... Fitness Elevated was a great learning experience for all of us. There is definitely no substitute for putting yourself in the fire of competition. With the Wod Club Open in full swing and the CrossFit Games Open two months away it is time to start getting dialed in on exactly what you want to accomplish this competition season. Personally I find more satisfaction in failing at a competition than I do excelling in an everyday Wod.

Wod for 1/3/12
Dead Lift 6*6 @ 75% 1RM
3 Rounds of...
50 Cal Row
50 SDHP 50/35
50 Situps
50' Bear Crawl

Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Year and a Cold War

The crew showed up at the Cold War and had one hell of a fun time! Kody, Jessie, Rachel, Emily and Chance.... the Wolf Pack! The day was a blur like a 14 year old joyriding in a Ferrari. Jessie Golightly had 2 5th place finishes. Kody Golightly had a 4th place finish and strung together a minute straight of double unders (Puerto Rico).  Rachel Randall missed the top 10 by one rep in the second wod. Emily Shumway was by far the most bad ass 3 month post pardom athlete there! Man I loved kicking it with everyone from CrossFit Iota and CrossFit Southtown. Now is the time to set in motion the decisions that will make your goals come to life. Find a goal and do whatever it takes to make it happen! The Wolf Pack can make anything happen. Now let's get after it like it owes us money!!!

Wod for Monday 1/2/12
Snatch 2x6 @70% 1RM
21,15,9 of supine pullups and pushups w/feet on box

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Rest and Prepare

This one is hard for us, but if anything active rest. Light row, roll out and stretch. Your body needs time to recover so it can be STRONGER! Get your mind right for The Cold War. Remember during a competition or a daily WOD to keep your mind slow. Easier for some than others (I've been told I was slow for a good portion of my life). Think slowly, breathe slowly and your wod will go faster. Fast thoughts make fast heart rates. Fast heart rates make you rest. Rest during a wod makes you slower. There are times to come out of the gates like a bat out of hell at the 3,2,1... go, However competitions can be won or lost by how well you control your anxiety. Bask in the opportunity to test yourself, it will be over before you know it. Then you'll be stuck waiting for the next TEST.